Good players will typically get 3/4ths of their kills by headshot, so you have to be careful here. Constant headshots without a body kill in the kill feed. It happens very very rarely and all of them are “pros”,that’s why they are suspicious, i’m talking by my experienceīy the way,there is one and only solution to recognize hackers.Have you played Counter Strike? So if you did you must know how this games spectator mode is… You can be spectator in first person of each player you want.This would easily solve problem,but yet i have no idea why the devs don’t making it. > That’s simply a visual bug…Not hacking.

Final conclusion is that their hacks causing unusual visual bugs. > Someone might think that i wrote TOTAL BS but i ADVICE you to look for it. From where i bring this conclusion? Today someone opened thread “Rafael is back” and showed us his ID IGN and that was exactly this (last yet) guy i met yesterday. So what does it has with hacking? Every single player like this,plays EXTREMELY good. It’s pretty hard to explain but if you have seen something like this even once,you would easily notice. > I just caught one point,when i was entering server and i was in spectator mode, several times saw players who’s holding rifles like pistols.Let me explain it better,we all know little bug,that when we are spec mode some players guns are shown like KAC PDW even though they are not holding one,but this is totally different case.Guys holding rifles,for example Noveske,or even Saiga FA like pistols,yes exactly and even more,down below it shows that they are holding pistols,glock/usp whatever. Someone might think that i wrote TOTAL BS but i ADVICE you to look for it.

I just caught one point,when i was entering server and i was in spectator mode, several times saw players who’s holding rifles like pistols.Let me explain it better,we all know little bug,that when we are spec mode some players guns are shown like KAC PDW even though they are not holding one,but this is totally different case.Guys holding rifles,for example Noveske,or even Saiga FA like pistols,yes exactly and even more,down below it shows that they are holding pistols,glock/usp whatever.
I’m not asking how to report, I’m asking how to Identify a hacker. We’ve watched the infamous aimbot video and the hacker could literally see every player on the map and was shooting at players even before they would come out from behind a wall or rock etc. So the ultimate question is how does a player really determine if another is hacking? I personally believe that most good to great players are called hacks because the person calling them a hack is upset they got killed and/or are unable to kill during a particular game.

So I started getting that old feeling that maybe the guy was a real aimbot hacker as you could see people dropping like flys and his Tab stats increasing. I watched him play his game (as he finished working for me for the day and I let him use one of my computers for personal use) it was apparent that everyone on his team including him was going down fast, No Spawn Trapping Involved. He clicked his Tab button and there it was the other guy within 10 minutes of a 16 minute game already had 81 kills and 1 death. Well, yesterday he was playing in a 39-50 level and he was getting his butt kicked big time which was unusual.

So my attitude towards thinking that someone is hacking if they have a high kill ratio in the game has changed. When he joined a clan, picked up thermal and it almost didn’t matter what weapon he would use, he was just kicking butt. Today, I’ve seen my friend reach level 56 and he is now doing the same kinds of kill rates and even higher with no hacking all legit. Well I’m certainly not a 2 year veteran but I too when I first began back in Oct of last year would see in level 16-40 that someone would come in and do a 56 kill with maybe 4 death and I was super suspect that the player was hacking somehow.